Caregiver Insights

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  • A caregiver son sitting next to his mother

    10 Ways to Recognize a Caregiver

    With 53 million family caregivers in the United States, chances are you or someone you know will serve the role of caregiver for their loved one. And with caregivers playing such a vital role for loved ones – a spouse, child, parents or even a friend – it is important that caregivers be…

    Read more: 10 Ways to Recognize a Caregiver
  • Image of different languages saying "thank you"

    National Family Caregivers Month – Thank You Caregivers!

    November is National Family Caregivers Month (NFCM), a month to acknowledge and celebrate the 53 million* family caregivers in the United States. At Careforth, we deeply care about you, the nation’s caregivers, and applaud your dedication to caring for your loved one at home. We honor caregivers like you and celebrate the crucial…

    Read more: National Family Caregivers Month – Thank You Caregivers!
  • A caregiver father sharing a joyful moment with his son

    How to Become a Paid Caregiver for a Family Member: 6 Steps to Uncovering Financial Assistance Options for Family Caregivers

    In this article: Step 1: Determine Your Eligibility for Medicaid’s Self-Directed Services ProgramsStep 2: Enroll in a Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) ProgramStep 3: Determine Whether Your Loved One Is Eligible for Veterans AidStep 4: Determine Whether Your Loved One Has a Long-Term Care Insurance Policy That Provides for Caregiver CompensationStep 5: Determine…

    Read more: How to Become a Paid Caregiver for a Family Member: 6 Steps to Uncovering Financial Assistance Options for Family Caregivers
  • Careforth Named a 2023 WWCMA WorkWell Massachusetts Awards Winner for Exemplary Worksite Health Promotion

    Careforth recognized for successful corporate health improvement and wellness program Careforth, an innovative caregiving company that empowers thousands of family caregivers across America to confidently care for their loved ones at home, is proud to have been named a 2023 WorkWell Massachusetts Awards program Award Winner for exemplary worksite health promotion in the…

    Read more: Careforth Named a 2023 WWCMA WorkWell Massachusetts Awards Winner for Exemplary Worksite Health Promotion
  • A collage of five smiling caregiving women

    What Is a Care Manager?

    A care manager, also known as a case manager or care coach, plays an important role in coordinating and supporting caregivers and their loved ones. They work with caregivers to develop and implement personalized care plans and create connections to support services. In some programs, the care management team visits caregivers in their homes, offering…

    Read more: What Is a Care Manager?
  • Badges of Accredited NCQA case management for 3 years and a Distinction NCQA long-term services and supports

    What happens when you put quality at the heart of what you do?

    Careforth celebrates achieving NCQA accreditation for its Caregiver Homes Network again We are happy to announce that Careforth’s Caregiver Homes Network Structured Family Caregiving service has again received a three-year Accreditation for Case Management with Long Term Services and Supports (LTSS) Distinction from the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA). This marks the…

    Read more: What happens when you put quality at the heart of what you do?
  • Careforth Offers New Caregiving Coaching and Behavior Management Service for Family Caregivers in Indiana

    The new service provides coaching and emotional support to family caregivers in Indiana. Careforth, a leading provider of Structured Family Caregiving and caregiver supports, is expanding to offer Caregiver Coaching and Behavior Management, a new service that provides family caregivers in Indiana coaching and emotional support to help them care for their loved…

    Read more: Careforth Offers New Caregiving Coaching and Behavior Management Service for Family Caregivers in Indiana
  • A caregiver's gentle hands offering support and comfort through a warm embrace

    15 Tips on Transitioning a Loved One to Memory, Dementia, or Alzheimer’s Care 

    As a part of your journey caring for someone with Alzheimer’s or another form of dementia, there may come a time when the effects of the disease become too much for a caregiver to handle, and one must seek alternative care options. When deciding the right time to transition your loved one to…

    Read more: 15 Tips on Transitioning a Loved One to Memory, Dementia, or Alzheimer’s Care 

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