MassLive Publishes a Message of Gratitude for Family Caregivers by Julie Carita, Director of Caregiver Homes of Massachusetts
On November 3rd, Julie Carita, the Director of Caregiver Homes of Massachusetts, wrote a message encouraging Massachusetts residents to express gratitude for family caregivers during National Family Caregivers Month.
“November is a month for giving thanks, but it’s also National Family Caregivers Month,” Carita writes. “This year, let’s pause and reflect on the role of family caregivers, acknowledging that their hard work continues, nonstop and often 24-7, all year – pandemic or not.”
Carita calls attention to the fact that there are an estimated 840,000 people serving as family caregivers for residents of Massachusetts. This group provides 700 million hours per year to the role, at an estimated value of $12 billion in unpaid healthcare services.
“Although being a caregiver can bring one closer to a loved one, caregiving requires tremendous effort and can cause feelings of isolation,” Carita writes. “Caregivers often experience physical, emotional, and financial tolls that can impact their ability to provide care.”
“Caregiver Homes of Massachusetts helped establish a program that provides coaching and support to family caregivers and their loved ones here in Massachusetts… The AFC model connects family caregivers with a dedicated team of trained clinicians, leverages HIPAA-secure technology, and pays family caregivers a tax- free stipend to help offset the costs of caregiving. The goal of this model is to ensure older adults and individuals with disabilities can receive care in the comfort of their homes. It’s a win for family caregivers, who need coaching and support and it’s a win for care recipients who want to remain in the community. AFC is also a win for taxpayers. As an alternative to care in a nursing facility, the program saves the state millions.”
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