Seniorlink at Health Care Quality Congress

In October Seniorlink’s Katie Tardiff, Director of Quality Assurance & Performance Improvement, will be presenting at NCQA’s Health Care Quality Congress Conference.

Tardiff’s presentation “Measuring What Matters Most: Improving Patient and Carergiver Outcomes through a Unique Person-Centered Approach to Care Planning” will explore payers and providers efforts to improve quality of care and reduce health care costs related to chronic conditions by managing patients in their own homes. This session will describe Seniorlink’s person-centered care planning initiative and review an analysis of the related patient and caregiver outcomes across a large, multi-state care management program within the context of NCQA’s proposed MLTSS Person-Driven outcome measures.

Key Info:
Measuring What Matters Most: Improving Patient and Caregiver Outcomes through a Unique Person-Centered Approach to Care Planning
Health Care Quality Congress 2018
October 6, 9:10-10:10am  
Hyatt Regency Dallas
Dallas, TX

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