Seniorlink’s VOICE for Dementia Care pilot empowers family caregivers and demonstrates improvements in outcomes, reduced hospitalizations and ER visits

Seniorlink was featured in mHealth Times for the results of the new VOICE for Dementia Care pilot. The results were announced last week at the Connected Health Conference in Boston and showed that when caregiver’s feel more activated and confident, their loved with dementia has better health outcomes. 

Via mHeath Times

“The VOICE for Dementia Care program aims to increase caregiver engagement; improve key caregiver outcome measures such as knowledge, confidence and attitude; and improve patient outcomes, such as reducing hospitalizations and emergency department visits. The program focuses on four key areas of coaching support: understanding dementia, communication skills, caregiver self-care, and managing dementia patient behaviors that can be challenging. The following results compare the six months prior to the pilot and the six months of active coaching during the pilot:

  • 20 percent decline in caregiver burden, such as a reduction in their physical and emotional stress
  • 13 percent increase in the confidence of caregivers, who felt bolstered by the insights and support received from coaching
  • 10 percent increase in caregiver activation, as measured by the collective change in knowledge, confidence and attitude
  • 18 percent decrease in hospitalizations
  • 51 percent drop in emergency department visits

The VOICE for Dementia Care program leverages Vela, Seniorlink’s HIPAA-secure care collaboration solution. Vela connects family caregivers, Seniorlink’s coaches, and care teams at health plans and providers. It’s available as a native app in the Apple Store and Google Play, and as a web-based application.”

To read the full article, click here!

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