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  • Kristine Chrisopulos named community engagement specialist for Structured Family Caregiving program (SFC) in South Dakota

    BOSTON, April 11, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — In partnership with the state of South Dakota, Seniorlink will offer Structured Family Caregiving (SFC) to families caring for a loved one at home. Seniorlink, a tech-enabled health services company, has hired Kristine Chrisopulos to engage and educate the residents of South Dakota about SFC.

    Read more: Kristine Chrisopulos named community engagement specialist for Structured Family Caregiving program (SFC) in South Dakota
  • South Dakota launches Structured Family Caregiving program to support families caring for loved ones at home

    BOSTON, April 3, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — In partnership with Seniorlink, the state of South Dakota has launched Structured Family Caregiving (SFC), a caregiver support program designed for family members who take care of their loved ones at home. Seniorlink, a company with nearly 20 years of experience supporting family caregivers nationwide, adds South Dakota to the growing list of states…

    Read more: South Dakota launches Structured Family Caregiving program to support families caring for loved ones at home
  • Seniorlink presenting at the 2019 Aging in America Conference

    Seniorlink’s Laurie Herndon, MSN, GNP-BC, Clinical Program Innovation Director, and Saran Craig, Clinical Program Innovation Manager, will be speaking at the 2019 Aging in America Conference on April 18th in New Orleans, Louisiana. The session, Tech-Enabled Dementia Care Pilot Leverages Coach to Drive Outcomes and Improve Caregiver Engagement will take place during the 90-minute symposium “Innovative Tech-Enabled Approaches for Dementia…

    Read more: Seniorlink presenting at the 2019 Aging in America Conference
  • Care management tech drops hospitalizations and ER visits at Caregiver Homes

    Seniorlink’s VOICE for Dementia Care pilot results were recently featured in Healthcare IT News. The pilot was launched in Seniorlink’s Caregiver Homes (home based care model) program in Indiana where nearly one-third of those served in the Caregiver Homes program have been diagnosed with dementia. The results showed a staggering 51 percent decrease in emergency…

    Read more: Care management tech drops hospitalizations and ER visits at Caregiver Homes
  • Preparing for the silver tsunami

    Jay V. Patel, Clinical Transformation Officer at Seniorlink, sat down with MobiHealthNews to discuss how technology is being used to engage patients and the measures needed to protect them through cybersecurity during the HIMSS Conference in October. Patel explains how the growth of tech in the healthcare industry means more security is needed to ensure consumer’s data is protected. 

    Read more: Preparing for the silver tsunami
  • AARP releases HR guide to digital tools for caregivers

    Northeast Business Group on Health (NEBGH) and AARP recently released a technology guide for HR/Benefits Departments to explore potential tools companies can implement to better support working family caregivers. The guide features several tech companies, including Seniorlink’s HIPAA-secure platform, Vela.  Vela allows family caregivers and care teams to work together to better manage care for a member. Check out this incredible…

    Read more: AARP releases HR guide to digital tools for caregivers
  • With the search for Alzheimer’s drugs foundering, tech firms try to offer solutions

    STAT highlighted Seniorlink in their coverage of tech solutions for Alzheimer’s disease at Digital Health Summit 2019. Tom Riley, CEO of Seniorlink, spoke on the panel “Who Will Rescue Alzheimer’s if Pharma Can’t?” that brought together several of today’s most successful technology innovators to discuss how their companies have developed technologies to manage Alzheimer’s patient symptoms. Seniorlink’s technology, Vela, is a digital care…

    Read more: With the search for Alzheimer’s drugs foundering, tech firms try to offer solutions
  • Thomas Riley, President and CEO of Seniorlink, to speak at the 10th annual Digital Health Summit at CES

    BOSTON, Jan. 3, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — Seniorlink, Inc., a leading tech-enabled health services company, is pleased to announce that Thomas Riley, President and Chief Executive Officer, will be speaking at the 10th annual Digital Health Summit (DHS) in Las Vegas. DHS focuses on digital health’s influence in the healthcare sector as it continues to rise in popularity. The…

    Read more: Thomas Riley, President and CEO of Seniorlink, to speak at the 10th annual Digital Health Summit at CES

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