Caregiver Insights

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  • A colorful spread of fruits and vegetables

    What Are the Best Vitamins for Dementia Patients?

    Dementia is a general term which describes an overall decline in mental ability that is severe enough to interfere with daily life. Alzheimer’s is the most well-known and most common type of dementia, although there are other less-common types of dementia. While many people might accept that a decline in cognitive skills and memory is just part and…

    Read more: What Are the Best Vitamins for Dementia Patients?
  • A caregiver son giving his mother a hug

    Richard & Gloria’s Story

    It’s my mom. It’s only one mom you have in this world. My mom had a couple strokes, pretty much paralyzed her right side. And from that point, they told me that she had the Alzheimer’s dementia, and that’s where my journey started. And I said, it’s better if she is at home…

    Read more: Richard & Gloria’s Story
  • An image of Alice talking to her mother Edra

    Alice & Edra’s Story

    You want them to try to be themselves as much as they can and be able to do things for themselves as much as they can. Edra: My name is Edra, and I am 86 years old.   Alice: Well, she has a little bit of dementia. She’s a little bit unsteady at times,…

    Read more: Alice & Edra’s Story
  • Image of a caregiver and her grandmother

    Katiria and Maria’s Story

    I’ve been a caregiver for Grandma for about seven years, and the experience has been quite amazing. Grandma has diabetes and high blood pressure. We try to set our goals for the day—motivation, determination, doctor’s appointments. I make sure there’s an activity to get done, whether it’s just a ride—just to get Grandma’s spirit…

    Read more: Katiria and Maria’s Story
  • From Caregiver to Hope Bringer: A Daughter’s Journey

    Herlinda Navarez has been there. Herlinda, who goes by Linda, is a community liaison for Careforth. She speaks with caregivers who are calling to learn about Careforth’s caregiver support programs and helps them enroll. What callers quickly learn is that not only will Linda walk them through the process, she knows exactly what…

    Read more: From Caregiver to Hope Bringer: A Daughter’s Journey

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